Act Sat Vocabulary Worksheet 2

Prepare to ace the ACT SAT vocabulary section with our comprehensive Act SAT Vocabulary Worksheet 2! This guide unlocks the secrets of building a robust vocabulary, empowering you to conquer standardized tests with confidence. Get ready to expand your knowledge and enhance your test-taking prowess!

Dive into a treasure trove of essential vocabulary words, practice exercises, and test-taking strategies. Understand word roots and etymology, explore synonyms and antonyms, and utilize visual aids to make learning an unforgettable experience.

Vocabulary List

Vocabulary building is crucial for the ACT SAT as it enhances comprehension and expands the ability to express oneself effectively. The following comprehensive list of vocabulary words from ACT SAT vocabulary worksheet 2, along with their definitions, synonyms, and antonyms, will aid in expanding your vocabulary and improving your performance on the exam.

For those looking to sharpen their ACT SAT vocabulary, Worksheet 2 is an excellent resource. Once you’ve mastered the words on this worksheet, why not take your learning to new heights with our comprehensive private pilot ACS study guide ? The guide will help you soar through your pilot training with ease.

Afterward, you can return to ACT SAT vocabulary Worksheet 2 for further practice and refinement.

Words and Definitions

  • Abrogate(verb): To repeal or annul a law or agreement. Synonyms:Revoke, rescind Antonyms:Enact, establish
  • Acquiesce(verb): To agree or comply without protest. Synonyms:Consent, submit Antonyms:Resist, object
  • Amalgamate(verb): To combine or merge into one entity. Synonyms:Unify, consolidate Antonyms:Separate, divide
  • Apprehensive(adjective): Feeling or showing fear or anxiety. Synonyms:Nervous, worried Antonyms:Confident, assured
  • Capitulate(verb): To surrender or give up. Synonyms:Yield, succumb Antonyms:Resist, stand firm
  • Coerce(verb): To force or compel someone to do something. Synonyms:Intimidate, blackmail Antonyms:Persuade, convince
  • Conciliate(verb): To appease or make someone less angry or hostile. Synonyms:Pacify, mollify Antonyms:Antagonize, provoke
  • Demagogue(noun): A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular emotions and prejudices. Synonyms:Populist, rabble-rouser Antonyms:Statesman, leader
  • Enumerate(verb): To list or name one by one. Synonyms:Count, catalog Antonyms:Omit, exclude
  • Ephemeral(adjective): Lasting for a very short time. Synonyms:Transient, fleeting Antonyms:Permanent, enduring
  • Exacerbate(verb): To make a problem or situation worse. Synonyms:Intensify, aggravate Antonyms:Ameliorate, alleviate
  • Fastidious(adjective): Excessively concerned with cleanliness or order. Synonyms:Meticulous, scrupulous Antonyms:Sloppy, careless
  • Fortuitous(adjective): Occurring by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Synonyms:Lucky, fortunate Antonyms:Unlucky, unfortunate
  • Gregarious(adjective): Sociable and outgoing. Synonyms:Friendly, convivial Antonyms:Solitary, introverted
  • Impeccable(adjective): Flawless or beyond reproach. Synonyms:Perfect, flawless Antonyms:Flawed, defective
  • Indolent(adjective): Lazy or inactive. Synonyms:Idle, slothful Antonyms:Industrious, hardworking
  • Ingenious(adjective): Clever or inventive. Synonyms:Creative, resourceful Antonyms:Stupid, dull
  • Itinerant(adjective): Traveling from place to place, especially for work or pleasure. Synonyms:Nomadic, wandering Antonyms:Stationary, settled
  • Laconic(adjective): Using few words; concise. Synonyms:Brief, succinct Antonyms:Verbose, long-winded
  • Magnanimous(adjective): Generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or someone who has wronged them. Synonyms:Noble, benevolent Antonyms:Petty, vindictive
  • Mendacious(adjective): Untruthful or dishonest. Synonyms:Lying, deceitful Antonyms:Honest, truthful
  • Noxious(adjective): Harmful or unpleasant. Synonyms:Toxic, poisonous Antonyms:Beneficial, wholesome
  • Obsequious(adjective): Excessively谄媚, especially towards someone in authority. Synonyms:Fawning, sycophantic Antonyms:Independent, assertive
  • Perennial(adjective): Lasting for a long time or indefinitely. Synonyms:Enduring, evergreen Antonyms:Temporary, ephemeral
  • Petulant(adjective): Irritable or ill-tempered, especially over trivial matters. Synonyms:Whiny, complaining Antonyms:Cheerful, good-natured
  • Pristine(adjective): In its original condition; unspoiled. Synonyms:Pure, unblemished Antonyms:Dirty, contaminated
  • Prolific(adjective): Producing a large number of offspring, works, or ideas. Synonyms:Fertile, creative Antonyms:Barren, unproductive
  • Quixotic(adjective): Idealistic or impractical, especially in the pursuit of a goal. Synonyms:Chivalrous, romantic Antonyms:Realistic, pragmatic
  • Recalcitrant(adjective): Resisting authority or control. Synonyms:Rebellious, defiant Antonyms:Obedient, compliant
  • Sagacious(adjective): Wise or shrewd. Synonyms:Intelligent, discerning Antonyms:Foolish, unwise
  • Serendipitous(adjective): Occurring by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Synonyms:Lucky, fortunate Antonyms:Unlucky, unfortunate
  • Taciturn(adjective): Reserved or uncommunicative. Synonyms:Quiet, silent Antonyms:Talkative, loquacious
  • Ubiquitous(adjective): Present everywhere at the same time. Synonyms:Pervasive, omnipresent Antonyms:Rare, uncommon
  • Vapid(adjective): Lacking flavor or interest; dull. Synonyms:Insipid, bland Antonyms:Flavorful, exciting
  • Verbose(adjective): Using more words than necessary; long-winded. Synonyms:Talkative, loquacious Antonyms:Concise, succinct
  • Zealous(adjective): Full of zeal or enthusiasm. Synonyms:Passionate, fervent Antonyms:Apathetic, indifferent

Practice Exercises

Reinforce your understanding of the vocabulary words through engaging practice exercises.

These exercises will challenge you in various formats, ensuring that you master the nuances of each word.

Multiple Choice

  • Choose the best synonym for “abrogate”:
    1. Enforce
    2. Revoke
    3. Create
    4. Amend
  • Select the correct definition for “auspicious”:
    1. Unlucky
    2. Promising
    3. Unfortunate
    4. Doubtful


  • The company’s financial situation was so _______ that it was forced to close its doors.
  • The _______ of the new CEO instilled confidence in the employees.

Sentence Completion

  • The government’s decision to _______ the treaty sparked outrage among its citizens.
  • The students were _______ for their success on the exam.

Test-Taking Strategies

To excel in the ACT SAT vocabulary section, employing effective test-taking strategies is crucial. These strategies empower you with techniques to identify unfamiliar words, harness context clues, and eliminate incorrect answer choices. Additionally, efficient pacing and time management are vital for maximizing your performance during the exam.

Identifying Unfamiliar Words

  • Utilize root words and prefixes/suffixes to decipher unfamiliar terms. For instance, “anti” signifies “against,” and “chron” relates to “time.”
  • Leverage context clues to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words. Pay attention to surrounding sentences and phrases for hints.
  • Consider using a process of elimination to rule out answer choices that are clearly incorrect.

Using Context Clues

Context clues are invaluable tools for understanding the meaning of unfamiliar words. Look for synonyms, antonyms, examples, and definitions within the text to help you determine the correct interpretation.

Eliminating Incorrect Answer Choices

  • Identify answer choices that are clearly incorrect based on the context. For example, if the passage is about animals, eliminate answer choices related to plants.
  • Be wary of answer choices that contain absolute terms such as “always” or “never.” These are often incorrect.
  • Pay attention to answer choices that use similar words or phrases as the unfamiliar word. They may be trying to trick you.

Pacing and Time Management

  • Allocate your time wisely, spending more time on challenging questions and less time on easier ones.
  • Use the process of elimination to quickly narrow down your answer choices, saving time.
  • Don’t get bogged down on any one question. If you’re stuck, move on and come back to it later.

Example Sentences

Example sentences provide practical illustrations of vocabulary words in context, showcasing their correct usage. They enhance understanding by demonstrating the words’ meaning and function in real-world scenarios.

To facilitate comprehension, the sentences are organized into a responsive HTML table with four columns. This structure allows for easy navigation and comparison of the vocabulary words and their respective examples.

Example Sentence Table

Vocabulary Word Part of Speech Definition Example Sentence
Abrogate Verb To repeal or annul The government abrogated the treaty, ending its validity.
Colossal Adjective Extremely large or impressive The colossal statue of Zeus stood as a testament to ancient Greek artistry.
Enigmatic Adjective Puzzling or mysterious The enigmatic message left us scratching our heads, unable to decipher its meaning.
Fortuitous Adjective Occurring by chance in a favorable way The fortuitous encounter between the two scientists led to a groundbreaking discovery.

Word Roots and Etymology

Understanding the word roots and etymology of vocabulary words can significantly enhance your vocabulary retention. Etymology, the study of word origins, provides insights into the historical evolution and meaning of words, helping you develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for language.

Word Roots, Act sat vocabulary worksheet 2

Many English words are derived from Latin or Greek roots. By understanding these roots, you can unlock the meaning of unfamiliar words and expand your vocabulary. For example, the root “chron” in the word “chronology” means “time,” while the root “geo” in the word “geography” means “earth.”

Table of Word Roots and Meanings

Root Meaning
Chron Time
Geo Earth
Anthrop Human
Psych Mind
Bio Life

Synonyms and Antonyms

Expanding your vocabulary involves not only understanding the meaning of individual words but also exploring their relationships with other words. Synonyms are words with similar or identical meanings, while antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Recognizing synonyms and antonyms can enhance your comprehension and expression, enabling you to convey subtle nuances and avoid repetition.

Creating Effective Synonyms and Antonyms Lists

To create an effective list of synonyms and antonyms, consider the following tips:

  • Use a thesaurus or online resources to find synonyms and antonyms for your target words.
  • Pay attention to the context in which the words are used, as some synonyms may have slightly different meanings depending on the situation.
  • Include a variety of synonyms and antonyms to cover different shades of meaning and usage.
  • Consider the level of formality and register of the words you choose, as some synonyms may be more appropriate for specific contexts.

Example Synonyms and Antonyms

Here are some examples of synonyms and antonyms for common vocabulary words:

  • Beautiful: Synonyms – attractive, stunning, gorgeous, lovely; Antonyms – ugly, unattractive, plain
  • Happy: Synonyms – joyful, cheerful, merry, delighted; Antonyms – sad, depressed, gloomy
  • Intelligent: Synonyms – smart, clever, brilliant, astute; Antonyms – dumb, stupid, foolish

Visual Aids: Act Sat Vocabulary Worksheet 2

Visual aids are powerful tools for vocabulary learning. They can help you to visualize concepts, make connections between words, and improve your retention.There are many different types of visual aids that you can use, such as mind maps, concept diagrams, and images.

Each type of visual aid has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose the one that is most appropriate for your learning style.

Mind Maps

A mind map is a diagram that shows the relationships between different concepts. It can be used to brainstorm ideas, organize information, and improve your memory. To create a mind map, start by writing down the main concept in the center of a piece of paper.

Then, draw branches off of the main concept and write down related concepts on each branch. You can continue to add branches and concepts until you have a complete mind map.

Concept Diagrams

A concept diagram is a type of visual aid that shows the relationships between different concepts in a more structured way than a mind map. Concept diagrams are often used to represent hierarchical relationships, such as the relationship between different levels of a classification system.

To create a concept diagram, start by identifying the main concept. Then, draw a box around the main concept and write down its name. Next, draw lines connecting the main concept to related concepts. You can continue to add lines and concepts until you have a complete concept diagram.


Images can be a powerful way to learn vocabulary. When you see an image of a concept, it can help you to visualize the concept and make it more memorable. You can find images of concepts in books, magazines, and on the internet.

You can also create your own images using drawing or painting.Visual aids can be a valuable tool for vocabulary learning. By using visual aids, you can improve your understanding of concepts, make connections between words, and improve your retention.

Query Resolution

What is the importance of vocabulary building for the ACT SAT?

A strong vocabulary is crucial for understanding the complex passages and questions on the ACT SAT. It enables you to comprehend the text more effectively and eliminate incorrect answer choices based on unfamiliar words.

How does Act SAT Vocabulary Worksheet 2 help me improve my vocabulary?

This worksheet provides a comprehensive list of vocabulary words commonly found on the ACT SAT, along with their definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. It also includes engaging practice exercises and test-taking strategies to reinforce your learning.

What is the best way to use Act SAT Vocabulary Worksheet 2?

Start by studying the vocabulary list and completing the practice exercises. Review the words regularly and utilize the test-taking strategies to enhance your understanding. The more you engage with the material, the better your chances of success on the ACT SAT.