Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications Eighth Edition

Discrete mathematics and its applications eighth edition – Embarking on a journey through the eighth edition of “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications,” this seminal work delves into the fundamental principles and myriad applications of discrete mathematics. This comprehensive volume serves as an authoritative guide for students, researchers, and practitioners alike, offering a thorough understanding of this essential mathematical discipline.

Within its pages, readers will discover a systematic exploration of discrete mathematics concepts, ranging from sets, relations, functions, and graphs to logical reasoning and proof techniques. The book meticulously explains these concepts through real-world examples and illustrations, fostering a deep comprehension of their practical significance.

Discrete Mathematics Concepts: Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications Eighth Edition

Discrete mathematics applications isbn its abebooks mcgraw publisher math 2002 engineering hill science

Discrete mathematics deals with objects that can be counted or separated into distinct units. It provides a foundation for understanding topics such as sets, relations, functions, and graphs.

Sets are collections of distinct objects, while relations are mappings between sets. Functions are special types of relations that assign a unique output to each input. Graphs are mathematical structures used to represent relationships between objects.


  • Definition: A set is a collection of distinct objects.
  • Example: The set of all even numbers between 1 and 10 is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.


  • Definition: A relation is a mapping between two sets.
  • Example: The relation “is greater than” is a relation between the set of real numbers.


  • Definition: A function is a special type of relation that assigns a unique output to each input.
  • Example: The function f(x) = x^2 assigns the square of a number to that number.


  • Definition: A graph is a mathematical structure used to represent relationships between objects.
  • Example: A graph can be used to represent the relationships between cities and the roads that connect them.

Applications in Computer Science

Discrete mathematics and its applications eighth edition

Discrete mathematics has numerous applications in computer science, including algorithm analysis, data structures, and cryptography.

Algorithm analysis involves the study of the efficiency of algorithms, while data structures are used to organize and store data in a computer. Cryptography is the study of techniques for protecting information from unauthorized access.

Algorithm Analysis

  • Definition: Algorithm analysis is the study of the efficiency of algorithms.
  • Example: Discrete mathematics can be used to analyze the time and space complexity of an algorithm.

Data Structures, Discrete mathematics and its applications eighth edition

  • Definition: Data structures are used to organize and store data in a computer.
  • Example: Discrete mathematics can be used to design and analyze data structures such as arrays, linked lists, and trees.


  • Definition: Cryptography is the study of techniques for protecting information from unauthorized access.
  • Example: Discrete mathematics can be used to design and analyze cryptographic algorithms such as the RSA algorithm.

User Queries

What are the key topics covered in “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Eighth Edition”?

The book covers fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics, applications in computer science, logical reasoning and proof techniques, graph theory, number theory, combinatorics, and modeling and problem solving.

How is the material presented in the book?

The material is presented in a clear and systematic manner, with ample examples and illustrations to aid understanding. Each chapter builds upon the previous ones, providing a cohesive learning experience.

Who is the intended audience for this book?

The book is suitable for students, researchers, and practitioners in computer science, mathematics, engineering, and related fields.